Yoga Nidra

Private & Group Sessions - please contact for pricing.

Yoga Nidra, “divine sleep” is not really sleeping at all but a verbally guided, deep relaxation experience done fully clothed, lying comfortably on your back.

For some, a reclined seated position is also effective.

All you have to do is listen.

It is a highly regenerative and restorative experience, necessary in modern, anxious times.

At it’s minimum this experience is a systematic method that will lead you to the edge of sleep or profound relaxation. It may release chronic stress & anxiety, bring a greater sense of harmony in daily life, maximizing health and well being.

On a deeper level, this experience can be a profoundly spiritual practice offering the opportunity of inner guidance and a method of positively reshaping unconscious habits and behaviours.

Drawing wisdom from this ancient and powerful practice called Yoga Nidra, “enlightened sleep”, a state of pure awareness beyond thinking.

Resting in stillness, the body sleeps, the mind sleeps, while awareness remains.

Yoga Nidra experience may reveal improvements in emotional self-regulation, relationships with others, reduce levels of depression, stress and anxiety, improve mood, relieve pain and physical tension, improve sleep and reduce insomnia.

I am a person who deals on a daily basis with much anxiety that then turns to fear. Because of this , my tendency to keep myself feeling “safe” was to isolate myself. My first hour of The Art of Non Doing (Yoga Nidra) with Shannon quite literally changed my life. Since then, I have done many Art of Non Doing (Yoga Nidra) classes with Shannon. I am able to be in public again. I am now leading workshops, teaching fitness classes again and enjoying life to the fullest each day. When I said The Art of Non Doing (Yoga Nidra) with Shannon changed my life- I meant it!
— — — Carrie Whalen, IIN Health Coach, Certified Fitness Instructor, Mother, Athlete, B.Sc.