Dear Friends,

I hope that you are remaining hopeful, healthy and helpful.  

When I was 12 years old my father died unexpectedly.  During the first year or so after his death I woke up every day thinking that it was going to be back to "normal" that day. That he would be in the kitchen having coffee and that it was all a bad dream. I had actually made up a story in my mind that he was taken away by some important government agency on a very special mission, that only he could perform. He was that special, and my mind was THAT good at telling itself stories.

Throughout my adult life, that same feeling has arisen when my "normalcy" gets a high sidekick!  Listening to the stories that my mind would try to tell me could leave me dipping my toe into depression.  Sometimes it was a big toe and sometimes just a baby toe.  This is something that I have worked for many years, in many different ways, to manage. Enter Yoga Nidra, the deep relaxation meditation practice that I lovingly call The Art of Non Doing.

More on that in a minute.

I wake up each day, with you and watch the shifts and changes that are taking place in the world, so rapidly.  I'm watching people all over the world taking hard and fast high kicks to their normalcy. Suffering loss. I'm watching anxious cycles of fear and panic, worry about loved ones, the unknown future. It's coming in all shapes and sizes and stories. Some trusted, some false, some truth, some garbage and they all get thrown into the mix of the stories that we create in our own minds.

I'm also watching alot of Love, ALOT of Love and compassion, empathy, intelligence, talent, strength and I will remain positive and hopeful rather than helpless.

What I do know is I'm focusing on gratitude and what I CAN do.  I've decided not to see individual massage clients for a few weeks.
But what I CAN do right now, is share one of my passions and my work with anyone and all who would like to participate.

Regardless of the size and shape of your stress, anxiety, and fear we all deserve some peace amid the chaos. We need to calm the stories of our minds, to respond to what IS rather than react to the unknown.

So... You're Invited! to join me for a Free Virtual Session of The Art of Non Doing -Yoga Nidra.
I'll be Live on Facebook Wednesday March 18th 7:00pm-7:45pm EST. 

Shannon Miller on Facebook

Virtual Art of Non Doing

Put this on your calendar! Give your immune system a boost, flood your body with it's own self produced chemistry that heals, soothe your nervous system and quiet your mind.  Join together in community to calm down, connect to your breath, be still, be quiet, change the relationship with your thoughts. REST

Please share this email and opportunity with all that would benefit!

I will be postponing my massage sessions for the next two weeks but watch for more information after the virtual event for opportunities to work with me in other new and exciting ways!

Be Well & Shine On